
Ballett von Steffen Fuchs

Koblenz, Theater - Grosses Haus

Deinhardplatz 2, 56068 Koblenz (Germany) - map
With the choreography of ballet director Steffen Fuchs, “Sleeping Beauty” can be experienced as a ballet at the Koblenz Theater from now until May 2024: an exhilarating, all-round beautiful evening to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, played by the Rheinische Philharmonie State Orchestra under the musical direction of Karsten Huschke .

People and fairies, gold, roses, forest and sleep, reality and fantasy are the mysterious ingredients of this fairy tale known in many cultures. In his Koblenz version, the royal couple is given a child who grows up to be a bright, curious princess who likes to go her own way - much to the chagrin of the parents, who try very hard to protect and protect Aurora from the curse of Carabosse, the dark fairy. So her birthday party is already in full swing when Aurora shows up - as do three, no, even four, impressive princes who are courting her favor: Prince Désiré, Prince Vogelsang, Prince Springinsfeld and the mysterious foreign prince. Sleeping Beauty quickly feels drawn to the reserved Prince Désiré, but the mysterious foreign prince disrupts the two's advances, finally conquers the princess completely and even forces a kiss from her - a kiss that should not be without consequences, because it is the kiss of Carabosse, who posed as the foreign prince, misled the royal family and ensnared Aurora with his magic. Thanks to the lilac fairy's good work, instead of dying, she sinks into a deep sleep, from which she will only awaken with the kiss of true love. The lilac fairy also helps Prince Désiré, letting him dream of Aurora - Sleeping Beauty - in his sleep, whereupon he sets out to find her in Mirkwood and redeem her. Meanwhile, Carabosse has created dozens of mirror images of Sleeping Beauty to make it impossible for the prince to recognize the real Sleeping Beauty among them. Their love ultimately brings the two together, Sleeping Beauty is redeemed, a new life begins and Carabosse and the Lilac Fairy also restore the balance between light and dark.

In Steffen Fuchs' neoclassical ballet, alongside Princess Aurora and Prince Désiré, the two rival fairies are the main music-dramatic characters. Carabosse and Lilac Fairy wrestle for the dark and light sides of human nature in the form of two young people. The versatile Carabosse is and remains an active part of that force that always wants evil and yet creates good. The dancing takes place in delicate pastel-colored costumes made of tulle, initially in a clearing in the enchanted forest, with treetops like pink clouds (stage and costumes: Ines Alda).

With the curse of Carabosse, they disappear into the stage sky, while at the same time huge, threatening thorns descend from above. That enchanted forest turns into a mystical dark forest. This moment - like the entire evening - is musically impressively created by the Rheinische Philharmonie State Orchestra under the musical direction of Karsten Huschke. “Everyone who expects 'Sleeping Beauty' will see 'Sleeping Beauty'!”, promises choreographer Steffen Fuchs – and that's true, because you leave the performance smiling, with a happy “Hach!” on your lips.

Reduced prices apply to children, schoolchildren, students, trainees, people who have completed volunteer years, recipients of state social benefits and severely disabled people (from 80% GdB).
Information for wheelchair users
Wenn Sie gehbehindert sind, informieren Sie bitte bei Ihrer Kartenbestellung die Theaterkasse oder wenden Sie sich vor Vorstellungsbeginn an unser Einlasspersonal. Wir sind Ihnen gerne behilflich. Der Tarif für Schwerbehinderte kann ab einem Behinderungsgrad von 80% in Anspruch genommen werden. Begleitpersonen für Rollstuhlfahrer(innen) zahlen keinen Eintritt. Die Anzahl der Rollstuhlplätze ist aus baulichen Gründen beschränkt. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte telefonisch an die Theaterkasse. Telefon Theaterkasse: 0261 / 129 2840 & 2841
Organizer: Theater Koblenz
Image left: © Matthias Baus / Image right: © Matthias Baus
Tue, May. 21, 2024 - 7:30 pm Order ticketsPrices
Normalpreis€ 42.90€ 36.30€ 25.30€ 18.70€ 9.90
Ermäßigt€ 42.90€ 18.70€ 18.70€ 13.20€ 9.90
Thu, May. 23, 2024 - 7:30 pm Order ticketsPrices
Wed, May. 29, 2024 - 7:30 pm Order ticketsPrices