Der Gladiator Valerius

Der Gladiator Valerius
Erlebnisführung im Amphitheater

Trier, Amphitheater

Olewiger Straße 25, 54295 Trier (Germany) - map
Around 1,800 years have passed since Valerius last had to fight for his life in the amphitheater. He had dreamed of a life of fame and fortune, knowing full well that only a few gladiators could achieve this level of advancement. As arena fighters, they eke out a life at the bottom of society.

People admire their courage and their will to fight, but at the same time despise them as unfree people who have to earn their meager living with hard physical labor in the dust of the amphitheater. Only a few manage to survive and buy their way out. Valerius survived. But at what cost? As he walks through the amphitheater, he recapitulates all the suffering he has seen, all the blood he himself has shed. He follows the trail of the animals, the fighters, the friends who lost their lives in the vast arena. And he talks about the day that still doesn't give him peace to this day: the day he came face to face with his best friend in the amphitheater.

Shocked and impressed, the visitor immerses himself in this exciting guided tour into a parallel world, into a bygone era that seems far away. And yet Valerius holds a mirror up to him: How much of the struggle for life and death, of the inner struggle between the will to survive and morality, of the competition for power and honor, has been saved into our time? And how much Valerius is there in all of us? Judge for yourself!

Written and directed by Dominique Caillat
Director: Gabriele Mugdan
Actors (alternating): Klaus-Michael Nix, Tim Olrik Sönenberg, Guillaume Karl, Isaac Boateng

A notice:
Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed at the event.
Information for wheelchair users
Diese Veranstaltung ist nur bedingt geeignet für Rollstuhlfahrer und Menschen mit motorischer Behinderung.
Die unterirdischen Gänge sind für Rollstuhlfahrer nicht erreichbar.
Organizer: Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Image left: © Dominik Ketz / Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH / Image right: © Dominik Ketz / Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH