Caveman: Du sammeln, ich jagen!

Caveman: Du sammeln, ich jagen!

Trier, Tuchfabrik - Großer Saal

Wechselstraße 4, 54290 Trier (Germany) - map

With CAVEMAN, the American Rob Becker wrote the most successful solo play in the history of Broadway. After CAVEMAN was acclaimed by an audience of millions in the United States, the modern-day caveman celebrates worldwide success. Since the summer of 2000, the cult comedy has been inspiring everyone in Germany who is, was, or wants to be in a relationship.

CAVEMAN takes a very unique look at the relationship between man and woman. In the "magical underwear circle" Tom, the sympathetic hero in the thicket of relationships, meets his ancestor from the Stone Age, who lets him share in the wisdom of thousands of years: Men are hunters and women are gatherers. A fact that human evolution has not been able to change to this day. What the average man has always suspected, Tom now knows firsthand and wonders, "Why don't we just think of women and men as completely different cultures? With different languages, different behaviors and different origins?” Inspired by this realization, Tom analyzes the strange universe of the collectors: This mysterious world of best friends, shopping and sex. With an immense need to communicate, dry humor and an ironic look, Tom also observes the hunter's way of life. He reveals the fulfillment of sitting around without talking, why men have to flip through the TV schedule, and how a conversation among hunters starts and ends with the words "Let's go down in the basement and drill stuff."

CAVEMAN is pure pleasure: everyone will recognize themselves, guaranteed. Couples look at each other and say, "Just like you." The piece is addictive, records like “I saw the performance ten times” are not uncommon. A sparkling "one man" spectacle with a lot of humor and quite depth" according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, and the opinion of the TAZ: "The CAVEMAN is not only very true, but also very, very funny." The picture said: "Bitter truths, sweetly packaged. deep insights. Hilarious funny.”

Original: Defending the Caveman by Rob Becker
Translation: Kristian Bader
Director: Esther Schweins
Production and performance rights: Theater Mogul GmbH

Admission: 30 minutes before the start
Information for wheelchair users
Stufenloser Zugang. Tür führt zum Aufzug, zu den Toiletten, zum großen und kleinen Saal. Begleitpersonen erhalten freien Eintritt anhand eines Zugangscodes. Den Zugangscode können Sie unter 0651/9790777 anfordern.
Organizer: Tuchfabrik Trier
Image left: © Joerg Reichhardt / Image right: © peshkova - Fotolia
Normal price€ 29.13
Ehrenamtskarte Rheinland-Pfalz€ 25.83
Familien-Karte Rheinland Pfalz€ 25.83
Kinder, Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre€ 25.83
Rentner, Schwerbehinderte€ 25.83
Schüler, Studenten€ 25.83
Solidarkarte€ 25.83
Sat, May. 18, 2024 - 8:00 pm Order tickets